Green Earth Analytics
Get actionable facts for your green transition

Market analytics
Transparency and fact-based insights into the green economy.

Advice on your power-to-x strategy and your e-fuel projects.
About us
Reasons to trust
A team of green enthusiasts who value fact-based action.
Join us
Research consultant
Are you a fact finder? Join us to become a thought leader on the green future of energy.
Data analyst
You are good with numbers? We value people with an eye for detail and who are passionate about making sense of data.
Data visualization expert
You are skilled in reducing facts to the essence and transforming them into insightful graphics? Become our expert for high-level info-graphics.
Ready to dig deep?
Keep on Track
Lessons learnt: Has Corona shown us how to fight climate change?
Let us stop bailing out the past and invest in our future.
Why Hydrogen?
What makes this energy carrier so special that it is being deemed revolutionary?
Reach out to us!
Write to us to know more about how we can help you develop green hydrogen projects.